Apprentice of the month - Monika Skoczylas

The Apprenticeships Team are so pleased that one of our existing employees who is currently on Apprenticeship training, has been awarded this title.

Betaris Apprentice of the month, Monika Skoczylas, University of Oxford

Apprentice of the month certificate for Monika Skoczylas, Ashmolean Museum



Nomination for Apprentice of the Month


“Monika has been motivated and enthusiastic from the beginning of this qualification. All the work that has been produced is comprehensive, relevant to Ashmoleum Museum and shows research and new learning related to customer service. The assignments/ workbooks have value added with recognition on how the museum can consistently improve. Monika is excellent at interacting with customers, continuing her focus on her customer service by following up after an initial conversation. Communication shows experience in her job and she is responsive in a timely manner which is clear and easy to understand. I have seen evidence of empathy and patience. There is a great deal of time and effort placed in Monika’s work” - Lesley (assessor at Betaris)


Monika's Apprenticeship

Monika started her Level 2 Customer Service Apprenticeship in February this year (2020), and is due to complete next May (2021).

As one of the 'Betaris' trainees being awarded 'Apprentice of the Month' is a great feeling. Customer services training has been a very rewarding experience and receiving this news makes me feel that the hard work myself and my assessor Lesley Chambers performed to improve my skills and confidence at work has all been worth it. 
Thank you for this monthly award, I am very proud to receive it. 

For more information about all of our Apprenticeships, head to the University of Oxford Apprenticeships page.